Sept 19 2003

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ACOS-NSS/AONS Meeting Agenda Friday September 17, 2003

Marriott Hotel Chicago, Illinois

1:00-3:00 PM


I.              Call to Order 1:00 PM

II.                   Approval of Minutes from Orlando, FL

III.                 Treasure’s Report & who needs to pay

IV.                Correspondence- multiple

V.                  Election of new members       

VI.                Future Program Chair & Report

a.                    2004 San Diego – Larry Armstrong, D.O. need outline this month, speakers by Dec. 2003 not specific topics

b.                    2005 Orlando Michael Campanelli, D.O. need Outline by Sept. 2004

c.                    2006 New Orleans –Appointment Dawn Tartaglione, D.O.

VII.              Committee reports

a.                    AOBS -Dr. Eichert

b.                    Board of Governors -Dr. Kanoff, Dr. Routsong

c.                    Strategic Planning & Governance-Michael G. Moncman, D.O.

d.                    Resident Evaluation -Dr. Kattner

e.                    ACA Coordinating  -Dr. Kattner, Dr. Routsong

f.                     Awards - Larry G. Armstrong, D.O.

g.                    ACA Grants and Exhibits Committee -

h.                    ACA Scientific Exhibits and Poster Sessions Committee  -Robert A. Dixon, D.O., Johnny Dean Duncan, D.O., Gregory E. Mick, D.O.

i.                     Membership Robert -Love Baker II, D.O.

j.                     Bylaws –

k.                    Ethics-

l.                     Coding and re-imbursement -Dr. MacDougall

m.                  Spinal Surgery section –Dr. Mavian

VIII.            Residency Program Directors Report

(# residents, #funded spots, quality of annual papers, need for annual review course, pros & cons, trauma, cranial work, spinal work, need for fellowships)

a.                    Dr. Goodall  -OUCOM/Grandview

b.                    Dr. Hubschmann  -NYCOM/St. Barnabas

c.                    Dr. Jacobs  -Garden City

d.                    Dr. Kanoff  -PCOM

e.                    Dr. Kattner  -MWU/CCOM/Bromen

f.                     Dr. Malik  -OUCOM/Doctors

g.                    Dr. Pieper  -Providence

h.                    Dr. Schneider  -NYCOM/Long Island Jewish

i.                     Dr. Siddiqi  -WUCOMP/Arrowhead

IX.                Report of Nominating Committee -None

X.                  Election of Officers –None

XI.                Election of Board of Governor member Dr. Routsong

a.                    RESC additional member

b.                    Board of Governor Alternate

XII.              Old Business

a.                    Resident dues one time payment $100

b.                    Future Danek Resident Awards ACOSnss/AONS section sponsored

c.                    Resident paper awards 2003. 14 submitted, the winners were McCullom, Cantando and Seledotis.

d.                    Officers 09/20/02 through 09/xx/04

e.                    ACOSNSS Journal

f.                     Resident review course. What do they want? Will they travel to participate? Number days? Attendings? Practice test? Standardized in-service written exam, weakness & strengths compared to peers to assist in curriculum formationxx

XII.              E-mail addresses, update information including residents

XIII.            New Business

a.                    Altoona Hospital Orthopods for trauma

b.                    Pediatric rotation at Hermann Hospital in Houston TX, under Dr. Steve Fletcher.  800 pediatric cases per year. Busiest epilepsy, 3rd busiest craniofacial service in the country.

c.                    Dr. Tim Detamore Fayetteville, NC, had MI & stenting, IDDM retired from practice. Request that a special advisory panel be convened to investigate and make recommendations on the membership being attacked, through unfair peer review because of their credentialing as Osteopathic trained neurosurgeons. See “Unfair Competition” committee

d.                    Dr. Roland Chalifoux request that a motion be made to appoint an ACOSNSS/AONS board to form an adhoc peer review committee please see handout and “Peer Review” committee below.

e.                    New Committee Appointments:

a.        Executive Committee: The Executive Committee should consist of the elected officers, and the immediate past chair. Their term shall be for two years. These individuals should oversee the development and revision of bylaws, the advancement and upholding to the highest standards of the annual meeting, the publication and distribution of the publication and the appointment of the membership committee.  They shall hold at a minimum a mid-year meeting in addition to the annual meeting.

b.        Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of three individuals who are appointed by the Executive Committee, and the Chair. The rotating individuals will be appointed for a four-year time period, unless removed by or reappointed by the Executive Committee. The duties of the Membership Committee are to verify applications for membership and recommend or reject such applications.

c.        Nominating Committee: should consist of the elected officers, the immediate past chair and the Board of Governor member.  They should nominate members for Chair-elect, Secretary-treasurer and Board of Governor member.

d.        Program Committee: should consist of a member appointed by the Chair, an alternate appointed by the Chair, the Chair the next year and two year hence ACA program chairs.

e.        Resident education & Standardized In-service Exam Committee: should consist seven members: the Chair, the RESC member, the AOBS member, one newly certified member, two program directors and a Chair appointed member.  The non-rotating members should be appointed for four-years, unless removed by or reappointed by the Executive Committee.

f.         Adhoc committee on Unfair Competition: Reports to Chair. Three members appointed by the Chair.

g.        Peer review committee: specialists willing to participate.  Spine, trauma, cranial, peripheral, vascular, general, pediatrics.

h.        Strategic planning & Activities committee: four members appointed by the Chair and the Chair.  These far-sighted individuals will suggest and develop programs for the membership, including meetings other than the ACA.  The members should be appointed for two-years, unless removed by or reappointed by the Chair.

i.         Resolutions committee: four members appointed by the Chair.  These statesmen should bring fourth issues important to our neurosurgeons in organized medicine.  They should poll the membership for suggestions to improve the direction and maintenance of the organization.  Resolutions should be passed onto the Chair on a quarterly basis.  The members should be appointed for two-years, unless removed by or reappointed by the Chair.

XIV.            Bylaws changes

XV.              Adjournment