Neurosurgical Discipline

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Although this website is independent of the ACOS, the AOA Neurosurgical Discipline is also part of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS).

Action Items:

The following require your special attention. Please click the links and provide your comments to the appropriate bodies as soon as possible.

Please review the Brain Death Criteria and send your comments to Dr. Miulli for the Brain Death Committee.

Please review the Core Competency changes and the Basic Requirements in Neurological Surgery changes and send your comments to the ACOS.

Please review the Proposal to Accept Non-Osteopathic Graduates into Residency Programs, Requirements for Board Certification, and CME changes and send your comments to the AOA.

If you wish to submit items for the Annual ACOS NSD Meeting in San Francisco, CA  please contact Dr. Joe Queeney, chair.

Minutes of Previous Meetings


Joe Queeney, DO- Chair, Board of Governors

Dawn Tartaglione, DO- Chair-Elect

Larry Armstrong, DO- Secretary-Treasurer

Michael Moncman, DO- Past Chair

Rodney Routsong, DO- Board of Governors


Other Committee Members are:


Rodney Routsong, DO- Bylaws Committee

Robert Love Baker II, DO- Membership Committee

Joe Queeney, DO- ACA Coordinating Committee

Dan Miulli, DO- ACA Grants & Exhibits Committee

Anders Cohen, DO- ACA Scientific Exhibits, & Poster Session

Johnny Duncan, DO- ACA Scientific Exhibits, & Poster Session

Robert Galler, DO- ACA Scientific Exhibits, & Poster Session

Francesco Mangano, DO- ACA Scientific Exhibits, & Poster Session

Keith Norvill, DO- ACA Scientific Exhibits, & Poster Session

Raul Rodas, DO- Awards Committee

Rodney Routsong, DO- Nominating Committee

Keith Kattner, DO- Resident Evaluation & Standards Committee

Greg Smith, DO- Resident Evaluation & Standards Committee

Michael Moncman, DO- Strategic Planning Committee

The Neurosurgical Discipline follows the bylaws of the AOA, ACOS and its own.

AONS Neurosurgical Discipline Bylaws previously established by discipline


The name of this organization shall be the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Discipline of Neurological Surgery.



1.      To advance osteopathic neurosurgery by dissemination of scientific knowledge and research through meetings and publications.

2.      To elevate and sustain formal institutions for advanced study and training in osteopathic neurological surgery.

3.      To honor living leaders in the field of osteopathic neurological surgery.

4.      To promote mutual fellowship among osteopathic neurological surgeons.

5.      To cooperate with all branches of the medical profession in all matters of mutual interest and advantage to the public.

6.      To promote the advancement of the professional scientific knowledge, research, public education and volunteership.

7.      To pursue excellence in medical education especially as it concerns the osteopathic neurological and surgical sciences of students, physicians and neurological surgeons.

8.      To ensure the public trusts by establishing and sustaining high standards for excellence in the practice of osteopathic neurological surgery.

9.      To uphold those principles, policies and practices for the attainment of excellence in osteopathic patient care.

10.  Establish an organization as authorized by the ACOS Board and to preserve the overall objectives, ideals and functions of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons and American Osteopathic Association.



Membership in the Neurosurgical Discipline shall consist of either ACOS members, candidates qualified to specialize in neurological surgery or those physicians whose practice is dedicated predominately to the specialty of neurological surgery. All individuals for consideration of membership are held to the highest standard of personal and professional quality. Members must be licensed by their local governing bodies and remain in the highest ethical and professional stature. To maintain membership, members must attend the annual Neurosurgical Discipline meeting at least once every three years.


1.                  Each Active member shall be a licensed osteopathic surgeon who has completed a formal AOA or ABNS neurosurgical residency program and is practicing neurosurgery. The applicant shall agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations of the organization and the Code of Ethics.

2.                  Candidate members must be osteopathic physicians currently enrolled in an AOA or ABNS neurosurgical residency program approved by the AOA.

3.                  Associate membership is reserved to those physicians who are dedicated to the surgical neurosciences but who have not completed an AOA approved Neurosurgical Residency.

4.                  Honorary membership may be granted to any person who has contributed substantially to the neurosurgical profession upon recommendation of the Membership Committee and unanimous vote of the Executive Committee. The applicant shall agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations of the organization and the Code of Ethics.

5.                  Retired membership may be granted to any active or associate member, who has permanently retired from practice and does not qualify for a life or inactive membership. Retired members shall not be obligated to satisfy the requirements for continuing surgical education, attendance at annual meetings and licensure to practice in the state in which they reside. The retired member shall agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations of the organization and it’s Code of Ethics.

6.                  Life membership shall be granted to active, associate or retired members who will have reached the age of 60 and will have been a member for 20 years. The applicant shall agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations of the organization and it’s Code of Ethics.

7.                  Inactive member is a member who is temporarily not in surgical practice who applies to be an inactive member upon the recommendation of the Membership Committee and the vote of the Executive Committee. The members should be fully licensed to practice in his or her category in the state. The member shall agree to abide by the bylaws, rules and regulations of the organization and it’s Code of Ethics.


Members shall be elected in a manner hereinafter defined. All members may vote and hold Neurosurgical Discipline committee appointments. Only active members shall be elected to office or appointed chair of committees.



Any member may have disciplinary action taken for any violation of the bylaws, Code of Ethics or any lawful rule or practice duly adopted by the organization or any other conduct prejudicial to the interest of the organization.


Such activities but not limited to these are:


1.      The conviction of a felony or any crime.

2.      Termination of all rights associated with practice of medicine in any state, province, or country.

3.      Improper financial dealings including the direct or indirect division of fees with other physicians, and the payment or acceptance of rebates of fees for services or appliances.

4.      Participation in deception of a patient as to the identity of the operating surgeon.

5.      Grossly immoral, dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct.

6.      Failure or refusal to cooperate reasonably with an investigation by the Neurosurgical Discipline in a disciplinary matter.

7.      Providing inappropriate testimony in medical-legal cases by taking an advocate position against any, other than the scientific truth.

8.      Providing inappropriate complaints or testimony against other healthcare workers.

9.      Unprofessional, unethical or inappropriate activity during a residency program.


Any charge resulting in either letter of reprimand, suspension of membership benefits or revocation of membership must be reviewed by a Chair appointed Ad Hoc committee consisting of FIVE (5) active members and on a majority of their vote to proceed with discipline, referred to the Executive Committee for further action. Upon unanimous vote of the Executive Committee to continue with disciplinary action, the issue will be brought to the Annual Business Meeting for hearing and adjudication by the active members present. Disciplinary action such as a letter of reprimand, suspension of membership benefits or revocation of membership shall be concluded based upon the affirmation by three fourths of the active members of the section present at the Annual Business Meeting. Any member who has been suspended or expelled from the Neurosurgical Discipline may request reinstatement of his or her membership status. The re-instatement process after revocation of membership, not associated with dues payment, shall be established by the Executive Committee.



Members in the ACOS, who are neuroscientists, who desire to become members of the Neurosurgical Discipline and who have not had their membership benefits revoked, will be granted Neurosurgical Discipline membership in a similar category as ACOS unless the same ACOS member requests not to be in the Neurosurgical Discipline. Those non- ACOS members who wish to be considered for membership in the Neurosurgical Discipline shall apply in writing, substantiated by documentary evidence of their specialty practice, to the Neurosurgical Discipline Secretary-Treasurer or Membership committee on or before June 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall present the application to the Neurosurgical Discipline Membership Committee for consideration and vote. The applicant will be presented to the Executive Committee for final approval. Any applicant not obtaining approval by the Executive Committee will be presented for consideration at the next Annual Business Meeting of the Neurosurgical Discipline. Approval of those applications at the Annual Business Meeting of the Neurosurgical Discipline shall be by an affirmative vote of majority of the members of the Neurosurgical Discipline present at the meeting.



Members and candidates in the ACOS and registered guests at the Annual Clinical Assembly, who are interested in the specialty of neurological surgery, shall be privileged to attend the program sessions of the Neurosurgical Discipline. Guests can only attend business meetings by invitation of any member of the executive committee.



Members shall be assessed annual dues, as determined by a majority of the Neurosurgical Discipline membership at the Annual Business Meeting, which dues shall be payable in advance for the coming year to maintain Neurosurgical Discipline membership.


Any member who after one year grace period and after due and proper hearing is suspended or expelled from the membership of the ACOS or is dropped from membership from the ACOS for delinquency in dues payments, shall automatically lose his/her membership in the Neurosurgical Discipline after formal notification by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. If a member is dropped from membership solely as the result of lack of dues payment after one-year grace period, re-instatement shall commence automatically as soon as all back membership dues are paid.





The Chair shall be an active member, having previously chaired a Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program and shall hold the title of fellow. The Chair shall preside at all business meetings of the Neurosurgical Discipline’s general membership and shall execute the duties delegated to him/her by the membership and shall concurrently be appointed one of the Neurosurgical Discipline’s Board of Governor member.


Each Neurosurgical Discipline Chair upon being elected Chair shall seek volunteers during the Annual Business Meeting, then appoint and notify the Chair of ad hoc committees such as the Bylaws Committee, Resolutions Committee and Strategic Planning Committee within 30 days of being elected Neurosurgical Discipline Chair.  Each Neurosurgical Discipline Chair shall annually seek volunteers at the Annual Business Meeting and appoint and notify the Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Director for any vacancies up to three years forward. The Neurosurgical Discipline Chair in alternate elections shall seek volunteers during the Annual Business Meeting, then appoint and notify the Chair of the Membership Committee within 30 days of being elected Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. The Neurosurgical Discipline Chair may designate and form Ad Hoc Committees and appoint ad hoc committee chairs as deemed necessary. Ad hoc committees may be dissolved by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair who formed the committee, or upon unanimous vote of the Executive Committee.



The Chair-Elect shall be an active member, having previously chaired a Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program. The Chair-Elect shall, in the absence of the chair, perform all the duties of the Chair.



The Secretary-Treasurer shall be an active member. The Secretary-Treasurer shall make and preserve records of the attendance, members and category of membership, and proceedings of the meetings of the membership. The Secretary-Treasurer shall disburse funds of the Neurosurgical Discipline. Any disbursement of Neurosurgical Discipline funds greater than $1000 per year shall be directed by the majority of the membership during the Annual Business Meeting or majority vote of the Executive Committee during other times.  The Secretary-Treasurer shall execute such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Neurosurgical Discipline membership, officers or Executive Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall record minutes to factually represent all matters of the business meeting. The minutes shall be recorded and stored for a minimum of five years and available for retrieval and review by any committee of the Neurosurgical Discipline. The minutes shall be transcribed and distributed to the membership no later than 60 days after the completion of the annual Neurosurgical Discipline meeting.


Retrieval, documentation and protection of dues and associated information shall be retained through contractual agreement with the ACOS. The information shall be made available within 24 hours of request by an Executive Committee member or Chair of any Neurosurgical Discipline committee. This contract shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee, agreed upon by the majority vote of the membership and signed by all Executive Committee members.



The Board of Governor members shall be the Chair of the ACOS Neurosurgical Discipline and one additional elected member. The Board of Governor members shall be active members, having previously chaired a Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program and who hold the title of fellow. The Board of Governor member shall be responsible for representing and promoting matters concerning the Neurosurgical Discipline as well as the ACOS and AOA. The Board of Governor member, if re-elected every other year, may serve up to six (6) consecutive years before yielding the position to another qualified member.



Each officer shall serve for a period of two years.  In the event of death or resignation of any officer prior to the expiration of his/her term in office, the Chair, or Chair-Elect in the Chair's absence, shall appoint a successor to serve until the next scheduled election of officers.


The nominating committee shall select a slate of candidates for election and present that slate to the Secretary-Treasurer by July 1st prior to the Annual Business Meeting.  Active members may also seek to be candidates for election by formally submitting their request to the Secretary-Treasurer by July 1st prior to the Annual Business Meeting.  The Secretary-Treasurer will compile the list of all candidates for each position, indicating those selected by the nominating committee, present all names to the ACOS and send out the official mail ballot to all paid members of the section by July 15th prior to the Annual Business Meeting.  Mail ballots must be postmarked for returned by mail or returned via fax to the Secretary-Treasurer by midnight August 15 prior to the Annual Business Meeting. Once having voted by mail or FAX, the member must notify the Secretary-Treasurer at the beginning of the Annual Business Meeting and refrain from additional vote. The candidates shall be elected during the Annual Business Meeting by the majority vote of both the members present at the Annual Business Meeting and the prior mentioned non-duplicate mail/FAX vote signed by the Neurosurgical Discipline member and delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer. In the event of a tie or lack of majority, a run off ballot listing the tied candidates or top two candidates will be distributed to the members at the Annual Business Meeting for immediate vote.





All committees except the Executive Committee shall be composed of active, candidate or associate members. Only active members can be committee chair. The Neurosurgical Discipline Chair may appoint active members to certain standing and ad hoc committee chairs as described herein. Appointment terms for the Membership Committee and Residency Committee Chairs shall be four years unless differently described herein. Appointment terms for the ad hoc committee chairs shall be two years unless otherwise herein described. Each committee chair may serve as chair, if re-appointed, for up to 12 consecutive years. The standing and ad hoc committee chairs may appoint members to serve on the committee for up to three consecutive four year terms.


Standing Committees shall run indefinitely. Ad Hoc Committees of Bylaws, Resolution and Strategic Planning are considered integral for the conduction of most Neurosurgical Discipline business and may be activated at anytime by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair, or majority vote of the Executive Committee, or majority vote of the membership. Additional Ad Hoc Committees may be formed at anytime by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair, or majority vote of the Executive Committee, or majority vote of the membership. Ad Hoc Committees may be dissolved by: the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair who formed the committee, or upon unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, or the end of the following Annual Business meeting unless renewed if formed by the majority vote of the membership. Committee chairs shall be appointed as described above under the duties of the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair.


Executive Committee (Standing): The Executive Committee should consist of the elected officers who are the Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, the immediate past Chair, and the Neurosurgical Discipline elected ACOS Board of Governor members. Their term shall be for two years. These individuals should oversee the development and revision of bylaws, the advancement and upholding to the highest standards of the Annual Educational Meeting, the publication and distribution of the Neurosurgical Discipline publication.


Membership Committee (Standing): The duties of the Membership Committee are to verify applications for membership and recommend or reject such applications.


The Membership Committee shall consist of a Chair appointed by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. The term of the committee chair shall be for four years. The Membership Committee Chair shall select and notify within 30 days of appointment four Neurosurgical Discipline members to serve on the committee. These Membership Committee members will be appointed for a four-year time period, unless removed by the combined unanimous vote of the Membership Committee Chair and the Executive Committee.


Nominating Committee (Standing): The nominating committee will present recommended names and other submitted names to the ACOS and cause the Secretary-Treasurer to send out an official ballot by July 15th prior to the Annual Business Meeting. Please see procedure under Article IV, Section IV, Term and Election Process. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Executive Committee members and one elected Ad Hoc active member. The elected Ad Hoc active member shall preside as the Chair of the Nominating Committee. The elected Ad Hoc member will serve for only a two-year time period and cannot be re-elected. The Ad Hoc member cannot be removed by the Executive Committee.


Program Committee (Standing): The Program Committee will plan the Annual Neurosurgery Educational Meeting and other Continuing Medical Education meetings and activities. The Program Committee shall consist of the next three years Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Directors, and the Past Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Director.


The Program Committee Chair will be the current year’s Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Director. The Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Director will be appointed by the Neurosurgery Discipline Chair three years in advance and serve unless removed by the combined unanimous vote of the Program Committee Chair and Executive Committee.


Residency Committee (Standing): The Residency Committee shall provide for the oversight of AOA Neurosurgical Residency Programs. Program directors shall meet the criteria as determined by the AOA.


The Residency Committee shall consist of the Neurosurgical Discipline Residency, Education and Standards Committee (RESC) member(s) the AOA Neurosurgical Residency Program Directors and Associate or Assistant Program Directors, and one At Large member. The Residency Committee Chair and At Large member shall meet the criteria for Chair and be appointed by the ranking Neurosurgical Discipline RESC member for four-year time periods, unless removed by combined unanimous vote of Residency Committee members (excluding self) and Neurosurgical Discipline Executive Committee.


Bylaws Committee (Ad Hoc): The duties of the Bylaws Committee are to develop and present to the Neurosurgical Discipline additions or changes to the Neurosurgical Discipline bylaws. The Bylaws Committee determined changes and additions to the bylaws must be presented to the Secretary-Treasurer in time for distribution along with ballots to the membership no earlier than 90 days and no later than 30 days before the Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Business Meeting. Any returned bylaws ballots must be returned via FAX or postmarked to the Secretary-Treasurer no later than 15 days before the Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Business Meeting


The Bylaws Committee shall consist of Chair appointed by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. The term of the committee chair shall be for two years. The Bylaws Committee Chair shall select and notify within 30 days of appointment four Neurosurgical Discipline members to serve on the committee. These Bylaws Committee members will be appointed for a four-year time period, unless removed by the combined unanimous vote of the Bylaws Committee Chair and the Executive Committee.


Resolutions Committee (Ad Hoc): The duties of the Resolutions Committee are to guide the ethics and morals of the Neurosurgical Discipline. They anticipate problems before they occur and strive to fix problems, using cooperation and diplomacy. The Resolution Committee members should poll the members for suggestions, and then meet to discuss the resolutions and make changes for the betterment of the Neurosurgical Discipline membership.  The proposed Resolutions shall be designated by year and then consecutively numbered during that year. After open deliberation and Resolutions Committee majority affirmation the Resolutions will be presented to the membership at the Annual Business Meeting for ratification and consecutive renumbering.


The Resolutions Committee shall consist of Chair appointed by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. The term of the committee chair shall be for two years. The Resolution Committee Chair shall select and notify within 30 days of appointment four Neurosurgical Discipline members to serve on the committee. These Resolution Committee members will be appointed for a four-year time period, unless removed by the combined unanimous vote of the Resolutions Committee Chair and the Executive Committee.


Strategic Planning Committee (Ad Hoc): These members will determine the future needs of the Neurosurgical Discipline and act to ensure its success. The members must stay in touch and have access to organized neurosurgery, the ACOS and the AOA. They must stay informed of all other Neurosurgical Discipline committees and Neurosurgical Discipline member attended ACOS committee's intentions as well as the actions and intentions of the ACOS and AOA. The Strategic Planning Committee should meet as necessary to guide the long-term planning of the Neurosurgical Discipline.


The Strategic Planning Committee shall consist of Chair appointed by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair. The term of the committee chair shall be for two years. The Strategic Planning Committee Chair shall select and notify within 30 days of appointment four Neurosurgical Discipline members to serve on the committee. These Strategic Planning Committee members will be appointed for a four-year time period, unless removed by the combined unanimous vote of the Strategic Planning Committee Chair and the Executive Committee.





To serve on the RESC Committee, these active members shall be recommended by the Neurosurgical Discipline Executive Committee, appointed by the ACOS President, and approved by the ACOS Board of Governors. These representatives shall seek to inform the ACOS-RESC committee the Neurosurgical Discipline's positions with respect to the evaluation and approval of residency training programs in neurological surgery.



There shall be an annual business meeting of the Neurosurgical Discipline membership during the Annual Clinical Assembly of the ACOS at a time and place pre-determined by the Chair. At the Annual Business Meeting all necessary business shall be transacted and in election years, the election to the offices of the Neurosurgical Discipline for the upcoming term shall be held. Other membership business meetings may be held at the call of the Chair.


A quorum is required to conduct Neurosurgical Discipline membership business and shall consist of Neurosurgical Discipline members present from any category of membership when equal to at least one-half of the total Neurosurgical Discipline active members invited to participate. Action may be taken upon a simple majority vote of those entitled to vote, once a quorum is present. Proxies will not count as part of the quorum but will be honored for voting purposes only if in writing and signed by the one giving the proxy.


The Executive Committee shall hold a mid-year meeting at a time and place determined by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee and at the call of the Chair or at the request in writing submitted to the Chair by two or more members of the Executive Committee. During the mid-year meeting, the Executive Committee shall take such actions as may be necessary or desirable and in the best interests of the Neurosurgical Discipline, its membership, ACOS, or the AOA.


The Neurosurgical Discipline Chair may determine that there exists a single business issue of urgency affecting the Neurosurgical Discipline and that such matter requires a membership mail/FAX vote before the Annual Business Meeting. The Chair will then instruct the Secretary-Treasurer to send out a description of the issue and a postcard ballot to all members. The postcard ballot must contain a brief description of the issue, the vote choices, the date sent out, the date the postcard must be received in mail or FAX form, and the return address and FAX number. Validation of results requires returned ballots from one half plus one, member ballots, of the total sent out. The ballots must be returned by mail or FAX and must be received by 11:59 PM no later than the 45th day after distribution by the Secretary-Treasurer.


The Neurosurgical Discipline may also conduct such education or informational programs, which in the opinion of the Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Educational Meeting Program Director are desirable and beneficial, which shall confirm in all respects to the regulations governing general programs at the ACOS Annual Clinical Assemblies.


The order of business at the Annual Business Meeting shall be:

1.      Call to order by the Neurosurgical Discipline Chair

2.      Approval of previous Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Business Meeting’s minutes

3.      Secretary-Treasurer's report and notification of FAX/mail received votes

4.      Election of new members

5.      Vote on Resolutions and changes to Bylaws

6.      Report of the Nominating Committee when necessary

7.      Report of the Neurosurgical Discipline Committees

8.      Report of ACOS and AOA committees

9.      Election of Officers in alternate years

10.  Unfinished business

11.  New business

12.  Call for Committee Chair an member volunteers

13.  Adjournment



Meetings of the members and committees of the Neurosurgical Discipline shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.



Amendments to these By-laws shall be made and instituted upon a majority vote of the combined returned mail/FAX ballots and of the members present at the Neurosurgical Discipline Annual Business Meeting. Amendments shall be subject to approval by the Board of Governors of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons. No proposition to amend shall be acted upon unless written notice thereof has been sent to the members of the Neurosurgical Discipline not more than ninety days and not less than thirty days prior to the Annual Business Meeting.



Only members in the ACOS who hold the title of fellow may be elected a governor. The Neurosurgical Discipline Board of Governor members shall obtain the ACOS Executive Committee agendas and meeting notes and concurrently provide that information to the Neurosurgical Discipline Executive Committee.




The Neurosurgical Discipline when appropriate will distribute at least an annual publication to its membership.




The seal of organization shall be a circular one, 3/4" in diameter, in which there is a scroll, the top half composing a scalpel, the bottom right a brain, and the bottom left carotid vascular tree with the bottom scroll the initials of the Neurosurgical Discipline.


This is not the official site of the ACOS or its disciplines. That site can be found at ACOS Online.

ACOS Neurosurgical Discipline Bylaws were revised at the 2008 Annual Meeting.

They can be found at the ACOS website but are provided for convenience below.


Neurological Surgery Bylaws



The name of this organization shall be the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Discipline of Neurological Surgery.


  1. To advance osteopathic neurosurgery by dissemination of scientific knowledge and research through meetings and publications.
  2. To elevate and sustain formal institutions for advanced study and training in osteopathic neurological surgery.
  3. To honor living leaders in the field of osteopathic neurological surgery.
  4. To promote mutual fellowship among osteopathic neurological surgeons.
  5. To cooperate with other branches of the medical profession in all matters of mutual interest and advantage to the public.
  6. To pursue excellence in medical education especially as it concerns the osteopathic neurological and surgical sciences.
  7. To pursue excellence in medical education especially as it concerns the osteopathic neurological and surgical sciences.
  8. To establish and sustain high standards for excellence in the practice of osteopathic neurological surgery.
  9. To uphold those principles, policies and practices for the attainment of excellence in osteopathic patient care.
  10. Establish an organization as authorized by the ACOS Board and to preserve the overall objectives, ideals and functions of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons.


Membership in the Discipline shall consist of ACOS members and candidates qualified to specialize in neurological surgery or whose surgical practice is predominately in the specialty of neurological surgery.

Each member shall be a licensed osteopathic surgeons.

Members shall be elected in a manner hereinafter defined and only members shall be elected to office or appointed to committees.


Members in the ACOS, who desire to become members of the Discipline, shall apply in writing, substantiated by documentary evidence of their specialty practice, to the discipline secretary on or before June 1. The secretary shall present the application at the next annual meeting of the discipline. Elections shall be by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members of the discipline present at the meeting.


Members and candidates in the ACOS and osteopathic physicians registered as guests at the Annual Clinical Assembly, who are interested in the specialty of neurological surgery, shall be privileged to attend the program sessions of the discipline. Such guests are not privileged to attend business meetings.


Members shall be assessed annual dues, as determined by a majority of the discipline membership at the annual meeting, which dues shall be payable in advance for the coming year to maintain discipline membership.

Any member who after due and proper hearing is suspended or expelled from the membership of the ACOS or is dropped from membership from the ACOS for delinquency in dues payments, shall automatically lose his/her membership in the Discipline subject to the same terms or conditions for reinstatement, if any, or as imposed by the Board of Governors of the ACOS relative to the disciplinary action imposed by that body.



The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the discipline membership and shall execute the duties delegated to him/her by the membership.


The Chair-Elect shall, in the absence of the chair, perform all the duties of the Chair.


The Secretary-Treasurer shall make and preserve records of the attendance and proceedings of the meetings of the membership, retrieve, protect, and disburse funds of the discipline as directed by the membership, and shall execute such other duties as may be delegated to him/her by the discipline membership.


Each officer shall serve for a period of two years and shall be elected by the majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting. In the event of death or resignation of any officer prior to the expiration of his/her term in office, the Chair, or Chair-Elect in the Chair's absence, shall appoint a successor to serve until the next scheduled election of officers.



There shall be an Executive Committee of the discipline which shall consist of all of the officers of the discipline and one member at large from the discipline membership, who shall be appointed by the Chairman. The Executive Committee shall act for and in harmony with the discipline membership between meetings of the discipline membership and shall execute such duties as are delegated to it by the discipline membership.


The nominating committee shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be designated Chairman. These shall include the current Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Governor and a member to be elected at-large. It shall be the duty of the nominating committee to nominate members for the Chair-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Discipline for a term of two years.

The Nominating Committee shall provide a nominee for governor(s) when a vacancy exists. This name(s) shall be provided to the Executive Director of the ACOS 120 days in advance of the annual meeting for publication.


The Program Committee shall consist of one member for the current year designated by the Chair. The remainder of this committee shall consist of the next year and two year hence ACA Program Chair. It shall be the duty of the Program Committee to prepare educational programs on neurological subjects for the annual clinical assembly and to conform to the regulations and requirements of the program committee of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons.

The program committee shall meet at the call of the Chair and shall have a representative present at all meetings of the Program Committee of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons.


This representative shall seek to inform the committee of the discipline's positions with respect to the evaluation and approval of residency training programs in neurological surgery and is appointed by the ACOS President with the approval of the ACOS Board of Governors.


There shall be an annual meeting of the discipline membership during the Annual Clinical Assembly of the ACOS at a time and place determined by the Chair. At the annual meeting all necessary business shall be transacted and in election years, the election to the offices of the discipline for the upcoming term shall be held. Other membership meetings may be held at the call of the Chair.

A quorum shall consist of at least one-half the total active members as determined by the by-laws of the Discipline and the ACOS. Action may be taken upon a simple majority vote of those entitled to vote, once a quorum is present. Proxies will be honored but only if in writing and signed by the one giving the proxy. Such proxies shall not be used in the election of an ACOS Governor.

The Executive Committee shall hold a mid-year meeting at a time and place determined by a majority of the members of the Executive Committee and at the call of the Chair or at the request in writing submitted to the Chair by two or more members of the Executive Committee. During the mid-year meeting, the Executive Committee shall take such actions as may be necessary or desirable and in the best interests or the discipline, its membership, or the ACOS.

The discipline shall conduct such education or informational programs, which in the opinion of the Program Director are desirable and beneficial, which shall confirm in all respects to the regulations governing general programs at the Annual Clinical Assemblies.

The order of business at the annual meeting shall be:

  1. Call to order by the Chair
  2. Secretary-Treasurer's report
  3. Election of new members
  4. Report of the Program Committee
  5. Report of the Nominating Committee when necessary.
  6. Election of Officers in alternate years.
  7. Election of an ACOS Governor when necessary.
  8. Unfinished business.
  9. New business
  10. Adjournment


Meetings of the members and committees of the Discipline shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.


Amendments to these by-laws shall be made by a majority vote of the members present. Amendments shall be subject to approval by the Board of Governors of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons and no proposition to amend shall be acted upon unless written notice thereof has been sent to the members of the neurosurgical surgeons discipline not more than ninety days and not less than thirty days prior to the annual meeting.


The discipline shall have proportional representation on the Board of Governors with one seat for every fifty ACOS members of the discipline and an additional seat for any remaining fraction over thirty-five members. The term will be a period of three years for each Governor not to exceed a total of three consecutive terms. Only members in the ACOS who hold the title of fellow may be elected a governor.