Sept 22 2000

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Friday, September 22, 2000


73rd A.C.O.S. Meeting

Boston Marriott Copley Place

Boston, Massachusetts



I           The annual business meeting of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, Neurosurgical Section and American Organization of Neurological Surgeons was called to order by its president, Dr. Timothy Detamore.


II          The minutes from the 2000 meeting in Seattle, Washington were submitted and approved with grammatical changes.



The treasure’s report was submitted by Dr. Dan Miulli. The amounts in the banking accounts were noted. The amounts were:

ACCT #1: $1,849.54;

ACCT #2: $2,988.25;

ACCT #3: $16,988.74.


There was one payout for the neurosurgical banner of $859.18. There are 75 members listed.


Dr. Detamore asked that all members submit their name, address, phone number, as well as E-mail addresses.  He also asked that all residency program directors submit the names, phone numbers, addresses, E-mail addresses and year of residency for all the residents.


Dr. Miulli stated that this has been one of the worst years for members submitting dues.  The following have NOT submitted their 2000 dues:   Resident dues are $50 and attending dues are $100.




1.         Coding and reimbursement panel.

2.         Spinal surgical section correspondence.

3.         Website correspondence.


            Dr. Detamore stated that the above will be discussed in old business.




The program director for the year 2001 meeting in Palm Desert, California is Dr. Steve Hamm. The program director for the 2002 meeting in Orlando, Florida is Dr. Scott West. The program director for the year 2003 meeting in Chicago will be Dr. Robert Dixon. The program director for the year 2004 meeting is still being sought and volunteers are being accepted.


Election of new members: All new members were elected by unanimous vote.


Dr. Richard Kanoff was elected for his third term to the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Board or Governors by unanimous vote.


Dr. Keith Kattner was nominated and elected to Secretary Treasurer. The vote was unanimous.


Dr. Louis Jacobs becomes the President.


Dr. Dan Miulli becomes the President Elect.




A.         AOBS Committee Report - Dr. Eichart.


Dr. Eichart was at the board meeting and asked Dr. Jacobs to present the report. The American Board of Osteopathic Surgeons requests that all members submit questions for the written and oral boards. The questions must be submitted with one correct answer and several other choices. The questions must be referenced from a current textbook or if a journal is sited it must be less than two years old. No questions or answers can be based on anecdotal evidence or opinions of physicians in practice.


A questionnaire is being sent out to all members asking them to describe their practice. This information will be taken back to the American Board of Osteopathic Surgeons for consideration to weight the examinations according to the practice preferences of the current practicing neurological surgeon. Therefore the examines will not be generalized and well rounded in nature but focus more on present day neurological practices as determined by the members who respond to the questionnaire.


Dr. Decker asked that a formal letter be sent out to all members asking them to submit questions for the neurosurgical residency examination. The questions can be sent to Dr. Steven J. Eichart, 4415 South Harvard, Suite 201, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74135. The Secretary-Treasurer should send this out in November 2000.


B.         BOARD OF GOVERNOR - Dr. Richard Kanoff


The Board of Governors is asking that the Neurosurgical Section try to obtain more funding for the ACA annual program.




The member of the resident evaluation committee was not in attendance. It was brought up during the meeting that the neurosurgical member on the resident evaluation committee may not be the best representative from the Neurosurgical Section. This was brought up to the Board of Governors. The committee of the Board of Governors had made a selection and they did not feel that it was appropriate for the neurosurgical membership to decide on a more appropriate Candidate for the member of the resident evaluation committee. The Neurosurgical Section asked that Dr. Kanoff take the recommendations of the Neurosurgical Section back to the Board of Governors that either an additional member be appointed as determined by the Neurosurgical Section or that the current member be replaced. Dr. Rodney Routsong, previous member of the resident evaluation committee, volunteered to either assist on the committee or become the current member. Dr. Kanoff stated that the neurosurgical member to the resident evaluation committee is very important in deciding the direction of the residency programs. The current member has not attended any of the meetings this year. There was no mention of the doctor’s name during this meeting. A suggestion was made that a letter is drafted to American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Board of Governors nominating a member to serve on the resident evaluation committee. This was discussed. Further recommendation was made that the residency program directors meet and elect a member from the Neurosurgical Section to serve on the resident evaluation committee. This was also discussed. Dr. Kanoff will take this information back to the Board of Governors for further discussion.




Dr. Dixon reported that over his three-year tenure as scientific committee chairman there have been improvements made in poster judging with strict judging criteria developed. One of the criteria for awarding points in judgment of a poster, is that an individual is present at the time of poster inspection. They get 10 points, not being there they get 0 points. This gave an individual possibly an unfair weighted amount of points. The members of the scientific committee have submitted a recommendation to the Board of Governors to change the weighting of the scoring system. Dr. Dixon asked that more members of the Neurosurgical Section especially the residents submit more posters. The poster presentation has been increasing but the Neurosurgical Section is still behind. Case reports do not score well in the judging. Original research tends to score better. Dr. Dixon suggested that the residents pull several charts and look as such things as the amount of blood loss when comparing neurosurgical operations to orthopedic operations, the use of Robaxin versus Flexeril to reduce spasms after fusion surgery, the affects of Toradol versus narcotics in back cases, he stated that if you perform a retrospectively study of 10 to 20 charts they usually receive favorable scoring during the poster presentations. Dr. Dixon also stated that companies are reluctant to donate money to a general ACOS fund. Companies are willing to donate money to the section itself to be used for scientific presentations. This can be donated to the section in form of an awarded such as a Synthes Award for the best spinal paper.



Dr. Gregory Mavian, the program in Columbus has funding for four residents. They currently have two residents. They have a large volume of spine and trauma and wish to develop their vascular cases.


Dr. Robert Decker he has funding and has filled five resident positions. They have a well rounded program with approximately 2200 cases per year, and it is now part of the North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System. He stated that he has a very high caliber of residents.


Dr. Lou Jacobs he has funding for and has filled three residency positions.

He has many more applications. They are part of the Michigan State University Health System.


Dr. Kanoff stated that there is a new residency program in California associated with the Osteopathic Medical School (Western University). The program is at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center 400 N. Pepper Avenue, Calton, CA 92324. The director is Dr. Javed Siddiqi, associates are Dr. Chenyere Obasi and Dr. Timothy Wiebe. The residents are Dr. Daryl Warner, Dr. John Spitalieri, and Dr. Dennis Miller.


Dr. Kanoff stated that he has five residents in his program.


Dr. Thomas Goodall reported that his program is approved for three residents and currently has one resident.


Dr. Armen Marouk stated that Dr. Gregory Wilson was in charge of the program in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is in flux, they have one resident at this time.


Dr. Clark Okulski stated that he has three residents in training.


F.         MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Dr. Robert Baker


Dr. Baker stated that one of the requirements of membership is to attend the ACA meeting once every 3 years. If you do not attend the meeting you will lose your membership and that may have a role in whether or not you remain a fellow and possibly if you remain certified. The American College of Osteopathic Surgeons has over 75 members that have not been present at the ACA meeting since 1992 and these members and other members do not make the meeting requirement and will start to be investigated.


G.        AWARDS COMMITTEE: Dr. Miulli


Dr. Miulli stated that the resident achievement award winners are:

Neurological surgery: Dr. Larry G. Armstrong.

Urological surgery: Dr. Brian R. Drabik

General Surgery: Dr. Allan Dana Lamb.

General Surgery: Dr. Gregory Messner

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: Dr. Gregory Zella


The Robert E. Erwin literary achievement awards:

First Place: Dr. Faustoy Vinces

Second Place: Dr. Michael G. Waters.

Third Place: Dr. Christoper P. Moyer


The awards committed is going to send out letters requesting nominations for the Orel F. Martin Award, the Distinguished Osteopathic Surgeon Awarded and the Humanitarian Award. These letters will be sent out throughout the year as well as being advertised in the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons News. The residency program directors are being asked to submit names and papers for the 2001-year residency achievement awarded and Robert E. Erwin Literary Award. The forms must be completed and submitted by April 13, 2001 both by the residency program director and the resident themselves.


Dr. Micheal Moncman brought up that the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons does send out questionnaires asking for member’s input. They take these responses deeply and base further action. He suggested that if you do receive a questionnaire in the mail do not throw it out, but fill it out and return it and let your voice be heard.




A.                 Coding and reimbursement advisory panel. Dr. Detamore states that our section did not have a representative at the coding and reimbursement advisory panel. Therefore, we will continue to ask Dr. Steven Fletcher to participate and assist Dr. MacDougall in his roll.


B.                 Spinal Surgery Section of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons and American Osteopathic Association of Orthopaedics. Dr. Gregory Mavian the liaison to the Spinal Surgery Section gave the report. He stated that the spinal section was asking for neurosurgical input to the C.A.Q., which stands for Certificate of Qualification examination. The spine surgery section of the orthopedic section requests that the neurosurgeons participate so that they may upgrade the spine surgery subsection standards. There were questions regarding the applications for membership in the Spinal Surgery Section. Dr. Mavian stated that the section has been going through changes in leadership and with review of the applications for membership. There were multiple discussions regarding the ability to become members of a Spinal Surgery Section of the joint American College of Osteopathic Surgeons and AOAO. Dr. Mavian stated that if anybody contacts him in Columbus, he will make sure they get an applications for membership of the Spinal Surgery Section. He asked that members submit question for the certification examination of the Spinal Surgery Section that the orthopods will take. It was brought up during the meeting that the Neurosurgical Section in general once again request that all members submit questions to the Neurosurgical Section for the residency test in addition to the Spinal Surgical Section. Members of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Neurosurgical Section can belong to the spinal surgical section and become officers of the section. The spinal surgical section is requesting that the Neurosurgical Section continue to have input to the Spinal Surgical Section. Dr. Mavian will follow-up on the requirements to become a member of the Spinal Surgical Section but he stated that it is open to many different types of physicians.


C.         Neurosurgical Section banner. The banner was presented and is in the front of the room. There was unanimous approval of the banner.


D.                 Neurosurgical Section Website. Dr. Detamore discussed the fact that the web site was voted on and approved at the October 3, 1999 annual meeting in Seattle Washington. He then performed a great deal of work on the Website and invested a fair number of funds into developing it. He obtained the help of an outside firm. He then sent out a letter to the membership to advise them of the cost. Many members of the membership responded in a negative fashion. There was a great deal of discussion regarding the Website. The membership stated that it should be a static site that is devoted to the distribution of information among the neurosurgeons and other individuals and public. It should not be interactive. As far as interaction among the neurosurgeons in the review of cases and other materials, the section stated that this may best be accomplished through individual E-mails. The Website should be devoted to the posting of members, business of the organization and information regarding the organization. Dr. Detamore stated that he will work over the next 1-2 months with the assistance of Dr. Miulli and Dr. King to have an active Website. The Neurosurgical Section will fund the Website development and upkeep. He will also attempt to obtain digital pictures to be placed in the Website. The motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved for Dr. Detamore to go ahead with the Website as outlined above.


E          The membership of the Neurosurgical Section requested that larger rooms and more appropriate rooms be used for future meetings. This year the Neurosurgical Section has funded the refreshments at break. The Neurosurgical Section approved of the use of Treasurer funds for refreshments at the annual meeting. The Secretary will write a letter to the ACOS.


F          World Federation of Neurological Surgeons: Dr. Miulli stated that at the annual meeting of the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons the American Organization of Neurological Surgeons was not accepted as a group membership. No reasons were given.




A         Residency program match. There was lengthy discussion regarding the intern residency program match. The Neurosurgical Section programs may participate. For further information interested individuals should contact the AOA.


B.         Dr. Decker has initiated a neurosurgical rotating internship, if the physicians participate this will count as time towards their neurosurgical residency. For further information individuals should contact the AOA.


C.                 A spine fellowship is being offered by Dr. Dixon at Columbus Hospital. The spine fellowship will offer a very broad selection of cases and multiple areas of spinal reconstructive surgery.


D.        The Journal of the American Organization of Neurological Surgeons. The American College of Osteopathic Surgeons Neurosurgical Section and the AONS will be starting a journal that will be published at least on a yearly basis. There will be an attempt to publish the journal on a quarterly basis. The initial call for papers will be taken from the residents’ annual paper submitted. We have asked that the residency program directors submit the papers this year, by October 31, 2000, and on an annual basis. Minor grammatical changes will be made in the papers prior to publication. Members may also submit papers from the annual meeting of the ACOS-NSS/AONS for publication. All papers must be submitted by the end of October 2000. A reminder will be sent out with the minutes.


E          The minutes from the 73rd American College of Osteopathic Surgeons meeting of the Neurosurgical Section and American Organization of Neurological Surgeons will be distributed to all members with a membership roster in October of 2000.


There was a motion for adjournment and second, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is set to reconvene in Palm Desert California in the year 2001.


Respective submitted:

Dan E. Miulli, F.A.C.O.S.

Secretary Treasurer Neurosurgical Discipline

Secretary Treasurer Neurological Surgeons