Sept 30 2004 |
September 30, 2004 2004 ANNUAL CLINICAL ASSEMBLY AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC SURGEONS NEUROLOGIC SURGEONS AMERICAN ORGANIZATION NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING The Annual Business Meeting of the ACOS-NSS was held on September 30, 2004 during the Annual Clinical Assembly in San Diego, California. Dr. Milford, President of the American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, was recognized, and he discussed in general terms the College Governance Initiative as well as the College's association with the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery. He informed the Section that the Forbes Group had been engaged to serve as a consultant to the Governance Committee. After Dr. Milford was excused, Section Chairman Dr. Miulli called the meeting to order at 1417 hours and the rest of the business meeting took place. Dr. Miulli informed the group that he would strictly follow Robert's Rules for this meeting. The Treasurer's report was submitted as attached. Outstanding dues for 2003-2005 are also attached. No correspondence was available for review. No new members were elected. FUTURE PROGRAM CHAIRS AND REPORTS: October 2005 in Orlando - Dr. Campanello had no problems to report. September 2006 in New Orleans - Dr. Tartaglione is the Program Chair, and she invited all members who are interested in presenting papers or reports to contact her. October 2007 in San Francisco - Dr. John Payne will chair this meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. Executive Committee: The Executive Committee had no separate meeting and had no new business to report. The ACOS Executive Report suggested that there were no plans to phase out any training programs in Neurosurgery at this time. 2. Membership Committee: No report and no activity. 3. Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee had a virtual meeting, and a ballot list developed. It was further decided that the "Nominating Committee" member should not be on the ballot but should be the Past President. 4. Program Committee: Dr. Armstrong reported the Committee's ongoing efforts to strengthen the educational program at the ACA. 5. Resident Review Committee: Dr. Kattner reported that an inservice examination and curriculum review are being developed by RESC of the College. The Section will be asked to donate funds and provide input if necessary. 6. Strategic Planning Committee and Activities: Dr. Tartaglione reported that our Strategic Planning Committee goal is to support resident participation in the AC as much as possible. 7. Resolution Committee: The resolution regarding resident participation, resolving that at least one non-voting resident member be appointed to participate on each Section Committee and that the names of the residents be submitted to the College for service on ACOS committees, was passed. ACOS COMMITTEE REPORTS: Reports were accepted from the Bylaws, Exhibits, Ceremonial, Government Affairs and Website Committees. These committee activities are available, in toto, at the ACOS website. Dr. Dettamore reported on the ACOS website. There is nothing to report about an ACOS-NSS website. PROGRAM DIRECTORS REPORT: This Section will name the program and then parenthetically report the number of positions approved and the number of positions filled: Dayton (4/4); NYCOM (5/2); Philadelphia (8/7); Dr. Jacobs (3/3); Dr. Kattner (10/9); Providence (7/4); LIJ (5/5); Arrowhead (8 filled; plans to go to 12 resident slots in the near future). Arrowhead realized their first graduate in July 2004 who then stayed for one more year to complete a trauma Fellowship in the same program. Various program directors talked about the desirability of expanding to a six-year residency program. Dr. Hubschman talked about his development of a basic skills and basic sciences lab at his site. ACOS COMMITTEE REPORTS: AOBS: The AOBS reports directly to the AOA. The AOBS has finalized re-certification plans. Re-certification will likely include CME assessment and AOA membership. It will probably be a review of clinical cases over two years, and it will likely be a written examination. It will be required every ten years. In assessing the Board examination results, it is apparent that there is a weakness in Neurology and Neuropathology. When clinical thought processes are applied in the Part II Examination, there is evidence of some glaring weakness in terms of synthesizing data and making diagnoses. Board of Governors: Dr. Routsong reported that a general audit is being undertaken and that the ACOS/AOBS relationship is being explored. Strategic Planning/Governance: Dr. Moncman reported that the Strategic Planning Committee is assessing how best to attract and maintain graduates from osteopathic medical schools into ACOS programs. The Governance Committee is looking at how the College governs itself and what might be the best form for this to take. RESC: Dr. Kattner and Dr. Eichert reported curriculum development for CORE competency. A template has been developed. Program directors are expected to submit information regarding their curriculum and remediation for residents who fail. The directors are also expected to submit resident paperwork in a timely fashion. It is planned that no resident paperwork should or would be accepted if it is greater than three years old from the program chairs. ACA Coordinating Committee: This is supposed to oversee the program directors, and the chair of this committee could be required to take over a committee chair position if necessary. Dr. Routsoung has been appointed to this position. Awards Committee: Dr. Dickerman won the Resident's Award. ACA Scientific Exhibits Committee: Our Section had four posters representing us this year. Membership Committee: Dr. Baker reported declining membership in the early and mid 1990s, though numbers are improving among allopathically trained osteopathic graduates. It is estimated that by the year 2016, two-thirds of osteopathic physician graduates will have allopathic training. No reports were provided from the ACA Program Committee or the Coding Committee. ELECTIONS: After secret ballot voting, Dr. Moncman is the Chair-Elect and Dr. Joseph Queeney is the Secretary-Treasurer. Dr. Routsong and Dr. Kattner counted the ballots. RESEARCH AND OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION: The ACOS AND AOA would like us to develop a strategy to promote clinical research wherever and whenever possible. ELECTRONIC RESIDENTS APPLICATION SERVICE (ERAS): Will be available July 15, 2005. All fourth-year medical students applying for AOA-approved internships or residencies for the 2006-2007 training year will have this available. RESOLUTIONS: The only resolution that was passed has already been attached as above. Dr. Miulli suggested that there may be some conflicts between the two sets of bylaws and that a committee should be formed to resolve these conflicts. At 1600 hours a motion to adjourn was accepted from the floor and passed, 20-12. No further business was accomplished because of that. Respectfully submitted, Michael-Gerard Moncman, D.O., MSc, FACOS Attachments: Treasurer's Report |