AOA Core Competencies

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 AOA Core Competencies

Osteopathic Philosophy/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Medical Knowledge

Patient Care


Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Practice-based Learning and Improvement

Systems Based Practice

In July 2003, the AOA Board of Trustees accepted and approved the Report of the Core Competency Task Force that created a new policy for AOA-accredited postdoctoral programs.  As a result of this decision, additions were made to AOA intern and resident accreditation requirements to incorporate seven (7) core competencies into postdoctoral programs, the AOA inspection process, and into testing modalities for certification and re-certification of osteopathic physicians.  Two of the core competencies, Medical Knowledge and Osteopathic Philosophy/Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, are specialty specific.  Each osteopathic specialty college is mandated to define and integrate these two core competencies into their respective training standards.  The remaining five competencies are germane to all specialties. 

Institutional Core Competency Plan 

In order to assess effectiveness in the integration of core competencies, the AOA is requiring the development and implementation of an Institutional Core Competency Plan.  Its purpose is to create an internal process that outlines the methods chosen by the institution to achieve compliance with implementation deadlines and evaluation activities. The Director of Medical Education (DME) is the institutional official recognized by the AOA as responsible for overseeing all aspects of osteopathic medical education within his/her respective facility, including the Institutional Core Competency Plan.

The written plan must address content issues that define responsibilities, goals, methodologies, and evaluation activities. The Director of Medical Education is charged to draft the plan that is to be approved by the Medical Education Committee.  In addition, the Medical Education Committee is responsible to monitor the plan’s implementation and performance.  At a minimum, the Institutional Core Competency Plan is to incorporate the following items: 

  • Demonstrated institutional commitment to AOA Core Competencies
  • Assignment of responsibility to the DME in the formulation of the plan
  • Outline of the Medical Education Committee’s role for the approval and routine monitoring of the Institutional Core Competency Plan
  • Responsibility of the internship and residency directors and faculty for implementation of the plan.
  • Assigned responsibilities of support staff within the institution.                 
  • Integration of all AOA-accredited postdoctoral programs into the Institutional Core Competency Plan.
  • Determination of institutional resources, both personnel and financial, to successfully implement the plan.
  • Agreement on collaboration with the OPTI for assistance in the implementation of the plan.
  • Section of a method(s) to monitor the effectiveness and progress of the plan at the levels of the DME, Medical Education Committee, and OPTI.
  • Delineation of chosen teaching modalities for each core competency.
  • Determination of the evaluation modality selected for each core competency.
  • Formulation of anticipated outcomes for trainees in each program.
  • Inclusion of an expectation that traditional interns receive an adequate exposure to core competencies as an education goal.
  • Inclusion of a remediation plan for those who fail to meet performance expectations of the Institutional Core Competency Plan.
  • Creation of a continual quality improvement process incorporated into the Institutional Core Competency Plan.
  • Compilation of an annual written evaluation summary of overall programmatic effectiveness reviewed by the Medical Education Committee.

A written progress report of the Institutional Core Competency Plan must be reviewed and updated annually by the DME, with approval required of the Medical Education Committee, and a copy of the report sent the Osteopathic Graduate Medical Committee of the OPTI. The yearly report submitted to the Medical Education Committee and OPTI is to include the following:

  • Summary of progress made in implementation of the Institutional Core Competency Plan (until fully implemented).
  • Effectiveness of methods chosen by the institution to achieve compliance and evaluate Core Competencies.
  • Report on each trainee’s progress in learning and development in each Core Competency as reported on their respective annual report (e.g. Program Director’s Annual Evaluation Report).
  • Summary report for each trainee who is completing his/her respective program with an attestation that a minimal level of performance has been achieved in all competencies (e.g. Program Complete Summary-Final Resident Assessment as required by the specialty college).
  • Outcomes measures and report of success in achieving institutional goals. 



The AOA has developed a Core Competency Map and Program Director’s Annual Evaluation Report to assist DMEs in the design of an Institutional Core Competency Plan. These documents, described below, outline available instruments appropriate in assessing trainee performance.  It is suggested that DMEs use these materials in the design of the plan and, with the concurrence of program directors, choose one recommended methodology to achieve compliance with each respective core competency. Likewise, the DME can select at least one recommended evaluation tool of that core competency. Starting in June 2006, all residents are to be assessed by at least two evaluation tools for each core competency to qualify for program complete status. This same process can be followed for each required core competency. Variability can be expected with Medical Knowledge and Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine that are unique to specialty training requirements as noted in AOA basic standards. The remaining five core competencies are common to all medical specialties and trainees can be assessed and evaluated in the same manner.

Each successive year, the Institutional Core Competency Plan document is to be reexamined and enhanced to build in additional metrics for evaluating each core competency. When all AOA core competencies are implemented in 2006, the Institutional Core Competency Plan is to be reviewed and updated to include best methods for institutional growth. The plan is to be designed as a dynamic document that serves as an institutional road map for continuous improvement in teaching and in evaluating competency-based medical education. The Institutional Core Competency Plan and the annual reports are to be made available to AOA evaluators when on-site accreditation reviews are conducted.

Institutions have flexibility in choosing the methods that work best for its postdoctoral programs.  Consistency between the selected methods and those outlined in the Institutional Core Competency Plan is an expectation. Nothing prohibits a residency from developing additional core competency programs for a medical specialty; however, these supplemental programs are to operate within the methods already outlined in the Institutional Core Competency Plan. DME and residency program directors are expected to familiarize themselves with the Institutional Core Competency Plan and be held accountable for the integration of the plan into their respective programs.



 AOA Core Competency Development Task Force

 AOA Core Competency MAP

 The metrics chosen to assess a resident’s achievement of any competency must parallel the teaching process(es) employed by the residency program.  As such, each institution will have flexibility when choosing methodologies to assess a resident’s performance.

Additionally, assessment tools vary in their reliability and validity.  Therefore, it is advised than more than one assessment tool be used when assessing residents to improve the overall accuracy.   The following tables present eight commonly used assessment metrics.  A description of each metric is presented.  Common uses, advantages and disadvantages for each are also presented.

 360-Degree Evaluation

An assessment tool used to rate the performance of a resident.  All individuals that have contact with the resident should

complete the evaluation.  The information obtained may reveal trends (i.e. patterns of behavior) with certain groups (i.e., nursing staff, adolescent patients, geriatric patients, midlevel practitioners, etc.) that may be useful when providing feedback to the resident.  










  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Professionalism
  • Teamwork ability




Multiple raters

  • Improves validity
  • Improves reliability


Fosters self-reflection

  • Self-rating is a component



Peer pressure during process

  • Hesitation to be honest


Difficult to design

  • Standard set of items for all raters
  • Group-specific subset of items


Requires several raters

  • Not less than 20 attending physicians
  • Not less than 20 patients
  • At least two or more from other groups



An assessment tool used to evaluate specific behaviors or tasks that are components of a more complex activity.   The checklist records whether the action was performed or not.  If performed, the checklist can be designed to identify if the action was performed accurately, partially correct, or unsatisfactorily/wrong.









  • Actions that are objective
    • Specific
    • Measurable



  • Interviewing
  • Medical procedures



Useful information for feedback

  • What was not done
  • What was done
    • Correctly
    • Acceptably
    • Incorrectly


Difficult to design

  • What are the required actions
  • Requires expert opinion/consensus


Evaluator variability 

  • Raters need to be trained


Only useful for fundamental skill assessment



Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)

An assessment tool that consists of multiple stations.  The stations include various elements of clinical encounters.  The stations include standardized patients (actors trained to portray illness in a standardized manner), actual patients, and/or components of clinical encounters (i.e., electrocardiograms for interpretation, radiographs for interpretation, etc.).










  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Professionalism
  • Psychomotor abilities



Multiple assessments

  • Improves validity
  • Improves reliability


Useful feedback information

  • What the resident does well
  • What needs improvement 




  • 12 – 18 stations recommended
  • Selection/Creation of stations
  • Training of standardized patients (SPs)
  • Payment of SPs


Difficult to design

  • Scoring criteria
  • Passing thresholds



Monthly Service Rotation Evaluation

An assessment tool used to provide a global rating of performance.  The forms usually record categories of behaviors, not specific actions, based on rating scales. 









  • Global performance




Quick and simple to complete





Highly subjective

  • Rater biases
    • Leniency
    • Halo effect 


Require direct observation of ratee 

  • Second hand opinions reduce utility


Rater training required


Procedure/Case Logs 

An assessment tool used to quantify patient encounters over a period of time.










  • Document training experience
    • Scope
    • Volume
    • Variety



Can direct training

  • Fill exposure gaps 
  • Increase procedural opportunities



Number of cases does not assure competence

  • Need to track patient outcomes


Assurance of data accuracy 

  • Quality assurance


Time consuming activity

  • Data entry



An assessment tool used to document learning experiences.  Usually a compilation of written documents (i.e., case logs, procedural logs, research activity, committee involvement, lectures and conferences attended, etc.). 









  • A record of learning accomplishments


Useful for self-reflection on learning


Provide a global view of experiences



Time consuming to create


Difficult to assign a score

Written Examination

An assessment tool used to assess not only the examinee’s knowledge base, but also the ability to apply it to clinical situations.   The most common written examination format uses multiple-choice questions.









  • Knowledge base
  • Level of understanding




Can cover many content areas quickly


Can be graded quickly


Can monitor progress over time

  • Use of anchor (repeated) questions



Require statistical analysis


Passing scores should be predetermined


Sampling error can occur

  • Use test blueprint


Chart Stimulated Oral Recall Examination

An assessment tool used to assess clinical problem-solving ability.  Provides the ability to investigate the examinee’s rationale for requesting information (i.e., historical or physical examination data), interpretation of information provided, and management of selected cases, not evident by simply reviewing the chart. 









  • Problem-solving ability
    • Ability to use information
    • Ability to select the next step


Selected cases can be covered quickly


Can ask a series of related questions






Examiners must be trained


Scoring can be debated


Cases selection can be difficult


High anxiety level for some examinees



 1.      Frohna JG et al. Assessing Residents’ Competency in Care Management: Report of a Consensus Conference

Teaching and Learning in Medicine 2004; 16(1):77-84.


2.      Swing SR. Assessing the ACGME General Competencies: General Considerations and Assessment Methods.

Academic Emergency Medicine 2002; 9:1278-1288.


3.      ACGME Outcome Project.  Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Educations


4.      Noel G et al.  How well do Internal Medicine faculty members evaluate the clinical skills of residents?

Annals of Internal Medicine 1992; 117:757-765.


5.      Newble D. Assessing clinical competence at the undergraduate level Medical Education 1992:26:504-511.


American Osteopathic Association

Program Director’s Annual Evaluation Report

Instructions for Program Director’s Annual Evaluation Report completion

The American Osteopathic Association requires DME’s and Program Directors to implement training, and Program Evaluators to assess, the AOA Core Competencies in all AOA training programs.  Below is the timeline for the implementation and assessment process:

by July 2004, Program Directors must implement training in the first two competencies in a specialty specific manner:

·         Osteopathic Philosophy & Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, and

·         Medical Knowledge


by January 2005, Program Evaluators must begin assessment through site review process of the first two competencies:

·         Osteopathic Philosophy & Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine and,

·         Medical Knowledge


by July 2005, Program Directors must implement training in the next three competencies:

·         Patient-Care,

·         Interpersonal and Communication Skills, and

·         Professionalism


by January 2006, Program Evaluators must begin assessment through site review process of the next three competencies:

·         Patient-Care,

·         Interpersonal and Communication Skills, and

·         Professionalism


by July 2006, Program Directors must implement training in the last two competencies:

·         Practice-Based Learning Improvements and

·         Systems-Based Practice Competencies


by January 2007, Program Evaluators must begin assessment through site review process of the last two competencies:

·         Practice-Based Learning Improvements and

·         Systems-Based Practice Competencies


As of January 2007, all seven core competencies may be evaluated as part of the on-site review process.  On-site review evaluators must validate the presence of exposure to training in each competency within six months after it is to be implemented.  However, some flexibility in the on-site evaluation must be expected during the first year of incorporation for each set of new competencies as included.


The attached instrument will assist you in this process; it was developed based on the AOA core competencies map and its associated references.


Specialty specific yearly reports and documents should be attached to this instrument.


Name of Program:                                                                                Name of Program Director:                                                    

Training Institution:                                                                                                                                                                             

Mailing Address:                                                                                                                                                                                    


Name of Resident/Intern:                                                                                                                                AOA#:                                 


Current Year of Training:                                   Reporting Period: From:                              To:                                       



Instructions:  As part of its effort to monitor the educational progress of residents, the American Osteopathic Association asks that you complete a program director’s annual report on each osteopathic physician in your program.  These reports will be reviewed by the specialty colleges and become part of the resident’s permanent file.  Completion of a residency program requires an annual report from the resident and the program director for each year of training.  Please evaluate the performance of the resident within thirty (30) days for the completion of the training year.  The completed report should be sent directly to the appropriate specialty college listed on the attached sheet.  This report includes observations of the resident in both in-hospital and ambulatory care settings. Please evaluate the resident based on each of the required elements of the following seven Core Competencies of the Osteopathic Profession.


Competency 1:  Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Residents are expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) appropriate to their specialty.  The educational goal is to train a skilled and competent osteopathic practitioner who remains dedicated to life-long learning and to practice habits in osteopathic philosophy and manipulative medicine.


Required Element #1:  This resident demonstrated competency in his/her understanding and application

of OMT in                           (specialty field)


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in OMT training at hospital and ambulatory sites.


 FORMCHECKBOX  is able to perform a critical appraisal of medical literature related to OMT.


 FORMCHECKBOX  was observed and credentialed in the performance of OMT through the assessment of his/her diagnostic skills, medical knowledge, and problem-solving abilities.


 FORMCHECKBOX  completed OMT computer educational modules.



 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX






Required Element #2:  This resident integrated Osteopathic Concepts and OMT into the medical care he/she provided to patients as appropriate.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  assumed increased responsibility for the incorporation of osteopathic concepts in his/her patient management.

 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in activities that provided educational programs at the student and intern levels.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in CME programs provided by COMS, the AAO, and the specialty colleges.


 FORMCHECKBOX  completed OMT computer teaching modules



 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)




 FORMCHECKBOX  Procedure/Case Logs


 FORMCHECKBOX  Other:                       


Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX





Required Element #3: This resident understood and integrated Osteopathic Principles and Philosophy into

all clinical and patient care activities.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  utilized caring, compassionate behavior with patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated the treatment of people rather than symptoms.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated understanding of somato-visceral relationships and the role of the musculoskeletal system in disease.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated listening skills in interaction with patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated knowledge of and behavior in accordance with the Osteopathic Oath and AOA Code of Ethics.


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)




Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX





Competency 2:  Medical Knowledge: Residents are expected to demonstrate and apply knowledge of accepted standards of clinical medicine in their respective specialty area, remain current with new developments in medicine, and participate in life-long learning activities, including research.


Required Element #1: This resident demonstrated competency in the understanding and application of clinical medicine to patient care.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:
 FORMCHECKBOX  completed COMLEX Part III and/or an In-Service Examination this year.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated improved clinical decision-making and problem-solving abilities.


 FORMCHECKBOX  attended seminars, CME programs, Grand Rounds, or Lectures.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in a directed readings program and/or journal club.



 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations




 FORMCHECKBOX  Written Examinations (i.e., in-training exam)


Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Required Element #2: This resident knows and applies the foundations of clinical and behavioral medicine appropriate to his/her discipline.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in research activities that allowed the critical evaluation of current medical information and scientific evidence.

 FORMCHECKBOX  developed as a medical educator by giving presentations before peers and faculty, and participated in the instruction of medical students.

 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely assessed on his/her performance of medical procedures.

 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in programmatic education on Life Long Learning.

 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in lectures & workshops on behavioral psycho-social multi-cultural issues in his/her medical specialty, as appropriate.



 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations




 FORMCHECKBOX  Written Examinations

(i.e., in-training exam)



Deficient     Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                  Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Competency 3:  Patient Care: Residents must demonstrate the ability to effectively treat patients, provide medical care that incorporates the osteopathic philosophy, patient empathy, awareness of behavioral issues, the incorporation of preventive medicine, and health promotion.


Required Element #1:  Gathered accurate, essential information from all sources, including medical

interviews, physical examinations, medical records, diagnostic/therapeutic plans, and treatments.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:
 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely observed for assessment of his/her performance of medical interviewing techniques.


 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely observed for assessment of his/her performance of effective patient management plans.


 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely observed for assessment of his/her performance of requesting and sequencing diagnostic tests and consultative services.


 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely observed for assessment of his/her performance of his/her caring attitude that is mindful of cultural sensitivities, patient apprehensions, and accuracy of information.


 FORMCHECKBOX  was routinely observed for assessment of his/her performance at bedside rounds


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)



Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX





Required Element #2:   This resident validated competency in the performance of diagnosis, treatment and procedures appropriate to his/her medical specialty.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  completed a program for instruction and credentialing to validate their competency in the performance of medical procedures, where appropriate.


 FORMCHECKBOX  understands and gives patient’s instructions on potential complications and known risks (informed consent).


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in beside teaching rounds.


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Procedure/Case Logs



Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                Competencies        Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX
















Required Element #3:  This resident provided health care services consistent with osteopathic philosophy, including preventative medicine and health promotion based on current scientific evidence.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates effective skills in counseling patients & their families on health promotion & lifestyle activities related to good health maintenance.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates effective skills in referring patients to non-for-profit & community service organizations that support health promotion & behavioral modification programs.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates the ability to work with professionals from varied disciplines as a team to provide effective medical care to patients that address their diverse healthcare needs.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participates effectively in beside teaching rounds.


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical  Examinations (OSCE)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Procedure/Case Logs


 FORMCHECKBOX  Simulations and Models



Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Competency 4:  Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Residents are expected to demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that enable them to establish and maintain professional relationships with patients, families, and other members of health care teams.


Required Element #1:  This resident demonstrated effectiveness in developing appropriate doctor-patient relationships.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates effective patient interviewing techniques.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates ability in assessing the health of non-English-speaking & deaf patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates the ability to involve patients & families in decision-making.


 FORMCHECKBOX  illustrates the use of appropriate verbal & non-verbal skills when communicating with patients, families, & faculty.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrates an understanding of cultural & religious issues & sensitivities in the doctor-patient relationship.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in videos, workshops, bedside/clinic/office teaching about interpersonal & communications skills.


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluation


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX







Required Element #2:  This resident exhibited effective listening, written and oral communication skills in professional interactions with patients, families and other health professionals.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  communicated medical problems & patient options at the appropriate level of understanding.


 FORMCHECKBOX  maintained comprehensive, timely, & legible medical records.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated respectful interactions with health practitioners, patients, & families of patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  elicited medical information effectively.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated an understanding of resources available to physicians to assist with appropriate assessment of communication-impaired patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  worked effectively with others as a member or leader of a healthcare team.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in workshops/videos, bedside/clinic/office teaching on effective oral/written communication skills.


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluation


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Competency 5: Professionalism Residents are expected to uphold the Osteopathic Oath in the conduct of their professional activities that promote advocacy of patient welfare, adherence to ethical principles, collaboration with health professionals, life-long learning, and sensitivity to a diverse patient population.  Residents should be cognizant of their own physical and mental health in order to care effectively for patients.


Required Element #1:  This resident demonstrated respect for his/her patients and families and advocated for the primacy of his/her patient’s welfare and autonomy.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  presented an honest representation of a patient’s medical status & the implications of informed consent to medical treatment plans.


 FORMCHECKBOX  maintained patient’s confidentiality & demonstrated proper fulfillment of the physician’s role in the doctor-patient relationship.


 FORMCHECKBOX  maintained appropriate & non-exploitive relationship with his/her patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  informed patients accurately of the risks associated with medical research projects, the potential consequences of treatment plans, & the realities of medical errors in medicine.


 FORMCHECKBOX  treated the terminally ill with compassion in the management of pain, palliative care, & preparation for death.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in course/program (compliance & end of life), workshops, lectures, bedside, & clinic/office teaching.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in mentor/mentee sessions on professionalism, ethics, & cultural diversity


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient   Usually meets   Consistently meets  Exceptional

                  Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                 FORMCHECKBOX





Required Element #2: This resident adhered to ethical principles in the practice of medicine.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  had an increased understanding of conflicts of interest inherent in medicine and the appropriate responses to societal, community, and healthcare industry pressures.


 FORMCHECKBOX  used limited medical resources effectively and avoided the utilization of unnecessary tests and procedures.


 FORMCHECKBOX  recognized the inherent vulnerability and trust accorded by patients to physicians and upheld the highest moral principles that avoid exploitation for sexual, financial, or other private gain.


 FORMCHECKBOX  pursued life-long learning goals in medicine, humanism, ethics, and gained insight into the understanding of patient concerns and the proper relationship with the medical industry.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in workshops, lectures, bedside, and clinic/office teaching.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in a mentor/mentee program on professionalism.


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)






Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Required Element #3: This resident demonstrated awareness and proper attention to issues of culture, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and mental and physical disabilities.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  became more knowledgeable and more responsive to the special needs and cultural origins of patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  advocated for continuous quality of care for all patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  prevented the discrimination of patients based on defined characteristics.


 FORMCHECKBOX  had an increased understanding of the legal obligations of physicians in the care of patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  attended lectures/workshops on multicultural medicine.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated competency by modeling it for other residents and house staff. 


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluation Instruments


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service

Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Competency 6:  Practice-Based Learning and Improvement Residents must demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate their methods of clinical practice, integrate evidence-based medicine into patient care, show an understanding of research methods, and improve patient care practices.


Required Element #1:  This resident treated patients in a manner consistent with the most up-to-date information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:
 FORMCHECKBOX  used reliable and current information in diagnosis and treatment.


 FORMCHECKBOX  understands how to use the medical library and electronically mediated resources to discover pertinent medical information.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated the ability to extract and apply evidence from scientific studies to patient care.


 FORMCHECKBOX  seeks feedback on his/her presentations and reports.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in evidence-based medicine Journal Clubs.



 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations




 FORMCHECKBOX  Written Examinations

(i.e., in-training exam)


Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX




Required Element #2: This resident performed self-evaluations of clinical practice patterns and practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:
 FORMCHECKBOX  understood and participated in quality assurance activities at the hospital and at ambulatory sites.


 FORMCHECKBOX  applied the principles of evidence-based medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  compared/studied the effectiveness of his/her practice patterns against the results obtained with other population groups in terms of effectiveness and outcomes.



 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX






Required Element #3: This resident understood research methods, medical informatics, and the application of technology as applied to medicine.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:
 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in research activities as required by his/her respective specialty colleges.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated computer literacy, information retrieval skills, and an understanding of computer technology that applies to patient care & hospital systems.


 FORMCHECKBOX  applied study designs & statistical methods to the appraisal of clinical studies.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in Journal Clubs & evidence-based medicine programs.


 FORMCHECKBOX  sought feedback on his/her presentations and reports.


 FORMCHECKBOX  provided effective & thoughtful feedback to others on their presentations & conclusions.


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)




 FORMCHECKBOX  Procedure/Case Logs



Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX





Competency 7: System-Based Practice Residents are expected to demonstrate an understanding of health care delivery systems, provide effective and qualitative patient care within the system, and practice cost-effective medicine.


Required Element #1: This resident understands national and local health care delivery systems and how they affect patient care and professional practice.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  attended instruction in matters of health policy and structure.


 FORMCHECKBOX  has an increased understanding of business applications in medical practice.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated operational knowledge of health care organizations, & state and federal programs.


 FORMCHECKBOX  demonstrated an increased understanding of his/her role as member of the health care team in the hospital, ambulatory clinic & community.


 FORMCHECKBOX  attended guest lectures/seminars with policy makers.


 FORMCHECKBOX  attended hospital utilization review, quality and other administrative & multi-disciplinary meetings. 



 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Chart Stimulated Recall Oral Examinations (CSR)


 FORMCHECKBOX  Monthly Service Rotation Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                 Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                     FORMCHECKBOX






Required Element #2: This resident advocated for quality health care on behalf of his/her patients and assisted them in their interactions with the complexities of the medical system.


Please check the box (es) for the methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance that were utilized

Please check the box(es) for the evaluation tool used to document methods, outcomes, or demonstrations of compliance

Please check the appropriate rating box & comment on this resident’s performance for this element:

The Resident:

 FORMCHECKBOX  has an increased understanding of local medical resources available to patients for treatment and referral.


 FORMCHECKBOX  participated in advocacy activities that enhance the quality of care provided to patients.


 FORMCHECKBOX  practiced clinical decision-making in the context of cost, allocation of resources, and outcomes.


 FORMCHECKBOX  360-Degree Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Checklist Evaluations


 FORMCHECKBOX  Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)





Deficient    Usually meets    Consistently meets   Exceptional

                  Competencies       Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                  FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX                    FORMCHECKBOX





Trainee Assessment (including Interns)


1.    Have you reviewed and approved the trainee’s research assignment (e.g., scientific paper, etc.)?   FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No   FORMCHECKBOX  N/A    




2.    Did the trainee participate in the annual resident in-service examination as required by the specialty college?   FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No   FORMCHECKBOX  N/A    





3.    Have you reviewed the results of the COMLEX III or the resident’s in-service examination with the trainee?  FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No  FORMCHECKBOX  N/A    



4.    Has the trainee met the requirement for the management of a panel of patients followed throughout the year in an ambulatory continuity setting?   FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No   FORMCHECKBOX  N/A




5.    Has the trainee completed all other specialty specific requirements for this year? 






Please comment on this trainee in terms of progress in the program, promise as a physician, and in other areas not specifically mentioned above.  All comments will be treated confidentially.



This trainee has made satisfactory progress in this training program and is capable to proceed to the next year.   FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No   FORMCHECKBOX  N/A       If no, please attach quarterly evaluations.



This confirms that this trainee has completed this year of training.   FORMCHECKBOX Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No   FORMCHECKBOX  N/A




(Signature of Program Director)                                                                    (Date)



(Printed name of Program Director)


The following signature verifies that the resident has had the opportunity to review this report.



(Signature of Trainee)                                                                                 (Date)



(Printed name of Trainee)




Program “Complete” Summary – Final Resident* Assessment

FOR                                                       (specialty field)


This resident has been assessed with at least two evaluation tools for each required element of each of the seven competencies.   FORMCHECKBOX Yes   FORMCHECKBOX  No


A document portfolio of this resident’s “best performance” evaluations for each competency is attached to this report.   FORMCHECKBOX Yes   FORMCHECKBOX  No


Please mark a summary assessment for each competency at Residency Program Completion.

1.    Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


2.    Medical Knowledge

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


3.    Patient Care

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


4.    Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


5.    Professionalism

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


6.    Practice-based Learning and Improvement

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX


7.    System-based Practice

Deficient       Usually meets    Consistently meets    Exceptional

                     Competencies      Competencies

     FORMCHECKBOX                FORMCHECKBOX                                    FORMCHECKBOX                                FORMCHECKBOX




If no, explain:                                                                                                           






(Signature of Program Director)                                                                           (Date)




(Printed name of Program Director)                      (AOA Training Site)


The following signature verifies that the resident has had the opportunity to review this report.



(Signature of Resident)                                                                                       (Date)


(Printed name of Resident)


*not for Interns