Fatigue & Performance |
Physician Health & Safety: Fatigue & PerformancePhysical signs and symptoms of fatigue Excessive Tiredness Sleepiness, including falling asleep against the individuals will (micro sleeps) Irritability Depression Giddiness Loss of appetite Digestive problems An increased susceptibility to illness
Performance impairments Slowed reactions physical reaction speed and speed of thought Failure to respond to stimuli, changes in the surroundings, information provided Incorrect actions either physical or mental Flawed logic and judgment and an inability to concentrate Increases in memory errors, including forgetfulness Decrease in vigilance Reduced motivation Increased tendency for risk-taking
Resources for Residents: 1) Program Director/Associate Program Director/Faculty 2) Family Physician 3) Physician Wellbeing Committee 4) Human Resources Physician Support
SUMMARY: Assuming a strict application of the 80-hour work rules, if a resident is still suffering from signs and symptoms of fatigue, it is important that the individual seek help for available sources for his/her own safety, and the safety of patients and colleagues. Any faculty members observing signs and symptoms of fatigue in any resident also has a responsibility to discuss this with the individual. |