Neuroradiology Goals & Objectives

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Neuroradiology Goals & Objectives


  1. Upon completion of the neuroradiology rotation, the neurosurgical resident will:
  2. Recognize the appropriate imaging based on functional neuroanatomy findings
  3. Interpret magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and routine x-rays of the brain and spinal column
  4. Determine the appropriate imaging to best diagnose neurological diseases
  5. Develop a treatment strategy based upon imaging findings and correlate imaging to surgical techniques
  6. Utilize endovascular techniques in treating neurovascular disorders



  1. Identify normal neuroanatomical structures on magnetic resonance imaging, computer tomography, and x-rays
  2. Evaluate the limitations, sensitivity, and specificity and potential complications to intravenous contrast agents and discuss their management
  3. Plan the use of endovascular techniques to treat various neurovascular diseases
  4. Diagnose traumatic pathology to the nervous system during trauma resuscitation by means of CT scans and plain x-rays
  5. Describe the plan for endovascular techniques to treat various neurovascular diseases
  6. Diagnose traumatic pathology to the nervous system during trauma resuscitation by means of CT scans and plain x-rays
  7. Describe precautions that should be taken when performing radiographic evaluations
  8. Describe the use of myelogram in the treatment of spinal disease
  9. Identify diseased neuroanatomical structures on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography, cerebral angiogram, SPECT, PET, spectroscopy, functional imaging and x-rays
  10. Describe the concepts of ultrasonography
  11. Identify the spine fractures on routine x-rays and CT scan
  12. Describe the findings of normal and abnormal carotid ultrasound
  13. Distinguish the various stages of intracranial hematomas on MRI and CT scan
  14. Distinguish the findings of normal and abnormal neonatal cranial ultrasound
  15. Use of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in the management of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage, trauma, and occlusive vascular disease, brain death, and the significance of velocity changes and Lindergaard ratio
  16. Diagnose brain and spine tumors using MRI and CT scan
  17. Use diffuse weighted imaging and perfusion scanning to identify early ischemic stroke
  18. Use MR spectroscopy and PET scan to distinguish brain tumors
  19. Interpret MRI, CT angiography, and standard angiography to diagnose aneurysms and malformations
  20. Diagnose vasospasm with transcranial Doppler
  21. Determine specific pituitary, brain, spine, and skull base tumors based on characteristics in imaging
  22. Discuss the indications and technique of discography, epidural steroids, diagnostic selective nerve root blocks, facet blocks
  23. Discuss the indications and technique for percutaneous vertebroplasty



  1. Use image guidance to resect brain and pituitary tumors
  2. Use image guidance in placing instrumentation in the spine
  3. Assist in the treatment of neurovascular diseases with endovascular techniques
  4. Perform provocative discography to diagnose discogenic disease
  5. Perform angiography
  6. Perform myelograms